Saturday, July 2, 2011

Latitude of Laziness

You’ll find it somewhere between the Tropics of Languid and Layabout and no, you don’t have to go looking for it. You just need to sit back, do absolutely nothing and sink into it. Welcome to Lotus-eating Land where you don’t even have to eat the lotuses (or is it lotii?? – who cares anyway?) if you don’t want to. In fact, you don’t need to do anything you don’t want to. Because this is where Nothing is something you do and do very well indeed.

Let’s take a closer look. It cuts through the ages, from the very young to the very old. It isn’t gender-specific and you could find the male and the female of the species though a larger number of males seem to want to migrate here. Or rather, they want to sink through wherever they are into any place here. You’ll find that the traffic moves very slowly and happily here, making the right turns into the boulevards of bliss and the lanes of listlessness.  Selling won’t work because the attitudes are fixed even though they exist in a bubble of non-action. This is the land where impatience and time-keeping are banned, never to enter its passive portals. This is where the gods of idleness and laidbackness are placed on a pedestal and worshipped. Where hymns of lounging and lullabies of loafing softly rise into the still air.

Now, for an even closer look. This is not a land for the faint-hearted. It takes courage to achieve the right to be here. It takes a certain strength of will to do nothing. So what you might find in a resident’s psyche is a do-nothing attitude that permeates the brain and makes it one wonderful indolent mass. Were brain-mapping allowed, there would be patches of procrastination in a sea of tranquility, with nary a stressful atom to upset the calm. Mind and body are in a beautiful state of balance with a perfect nothingness that makes them whole. If you were to view the Kirlian auras here, you would see gentle greens, sleepy blues and lazy lilacs. And you’ll learn that everyone lives by those simple words of wisdom, ‘Let it be!’

Friday, July 1, 2011

Pi: Dying And Googled

Some things were sacrosanct when we were growing up and Pi was one of them. It was well-ensconced on its mathematical pedestal and it looked like it had life eternal. Now whoever thought that it had feet of clay and would one day crumble and collapse? Not in our wildest dreams! But the times they are a-changing so rapidly and even the life and times of Pi must come to an end. Oh, how the hallowed have fallen!


It all began with Bob Palais’ article ten years ago ‘Pi is wrong’. And a while ago, Michael Hartl resurrected the argument for a new circle constant. So what is right according to these new-fangled maths wizards? 2Pi or Tau as Palais’ followers have been calling it the last year.  According to them, 6.28 makes better sense than 3.14 and they are calling for a Tau Day which they want on the 28th of June (6/28, see?) Arguments for and against are flying fast and furious and with the speed at which the world is changing, who knows? The Pi we thought was hallowed and everlasting could soon be history.

Maybe someone should have told the Google guys about it when they were bidding for the Nortel patents. Were they being too clever or were they really not interested and just having fun? They even bid $3.14159 billion at one point during the auction. And the other figures had mathematical connotations too – from Brun’s constant to the Meissel-Merten’s constant, these figures just confused many at the auction. The bidding went up to $4.5 billion and the consortium consisting of Apple, Microsoft, Rim and Sony got it. Looks like Google really isn’t serious about their Android venture. Maybe if they were keeping up with what was going on in the mathematical world, they would have gone up to the magical Tau figure of 6.28 and won it!